A Burger With a side Story. – Happy Fucking New year.

On my desk in the Oval office, I have a little sign that says: there is no limit to what a man can do or where he can go if he doesn’t mind who gets the credit- Ronald Regard.

All limitations are self imposed, greatest lesson I learnt this year.

So you want to assume that we pay double the price in a matatu and still overload-Nairobi. 😤 Y’all must be cool kids if you can’t relate.

Monday and fucking clueless.

I hope you enjoy going to work 😆, maybe not but it’s still a thing.

Today I wish to blog about CHRISTMAS. Any plans?

Growing up, I adored Christmas, like a goddamn gift, treasured it like a wrapped up present. Where did the Christmas spirit go to? Do you still get presents? Damn, feeling like a rapper, y’all saw how I flowed there.

Never mind.

So yeah just like that this year comes to a halt. Not entirely what we wished for a year but great things have been done. Great people have surfaced and awesome bonds created. I don’t know about you but you made it and that’s huge.

Here is what I ticked on my bucket list…. running away from the cops, visiting a restaurant spontaneously and treating myself to a delicious mealist, interviewing celebrities and reaching my fifty target blog posts. Realising my favorite music genre is still part of it. Oh yeah, read at least ten books.

Wonder if your year mattered…..what do you intend to change coming next year….which is like a day to. The storyteller’s secret is my way of welcoming this new year. A great read by Carmine Gallo. There is a lot of controversial topics revolving around success; I like to know what I can.  This book is all about creating a story that could be a game changer. Pitching an idea that’d be irresistibly tops, I don’t know about you but I buy it. The best marketers tell the best stories, those close to the heart, most involving struggle and pain.

I wish your year be a successful story or rather create one that’d be a stepping stone. Be kind, not that it’s something you aren’t aware of.

N/B This is a three days combination blog post.

Things I learnt this year,

ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

Anybody can make it, educational levels are fucking trash.

There are rich people that are poor, stuck with unpaid loans and strangled with depression. Have no pressure, God’s timing.

Life is priceless, short too. Most people lost their loved ones and you can’t keep waiting to matter, go for it.

I want to be bigger and better next year and so help me God.

Financial intelligence is the ultimate goal.

Always lend a hand if you’re capable. Forgive and forget ( literally) let that shit go. Ain’t nobody matter more than you do.

Let’s meet at the goddamn top table, this new year should bring more hope.

Finally, a big appreciation for everyone that took time to read my posts, shared and left a review, you are the kings and queens. To everyone I worked with, it was an honor and you’re great people.

Bella Ciao 😘.

Published by Trizah

Phoenix, multi-talented

3 thoughts on “A Burger With a side Story. – Happy Fucking New year.

  1. This was a powerful blog I have led in2021 so far, I love how you said on limitations that are self imposed and yes very true see you at the top was the best closing remarks. Happy new year to you too


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